Sunday 1 September 2013

Day Three 01/09/13

I was happy to see mummy and daddy when they got home at 7:30 pm and they brought me straight down for some food! Mummy was more worried because I was still being fussy and hardly taking any kitten milk. So she had an idea to heat the milk up a little in the microwave, and that was the trick, once it was a little warmer than body temperature I wolfed it down and had about 15 ml (not including what I dribbled all over mum and myself).

After mummy had toileted me, I calmed down and stopped wriggling around. It was obvious that my full belly had made me sleepy.

 She took me into the living room and we had another snuggle. This time I made my way down her top myself and found my favorite spot.

I slept down there for about an hour, and mummy even managed to get a snap of me yawning. I didn't want to come out. Eventually she coaxed me out, and got a few snaps of me helping her edit the blog.

After that it was time to go upstairs to settle me down until my next feed.


It was daddy's turn at 11 am and now we knew that warming my feed helped I was eager to have more. And I wasn't as nervous of him as before and didn't ball up once! I managed another 10 ml! Mummy came down to watch and it was nice to hear them giggling at how messy I was!

Again at 2 pm it was daddy's turn to feed me, but I decide to scare him. I burrowed to the very bottom of my box and hid under all the bedding and blankets, so he thought I'd escaped! He went and woke mummy up to help look for me, but she found me straight away... I need to get better at this hide and seek business. A this feed I managed about 10 ml again.

My final feed was at 8:30 pm and it was mummy's turn. I was a bit fussy at this point and only managed about 6-8 ml of feed. I was much more interested in exploring the kitchen counter tops.

After my feed, mummy noticed that my eyes were starting to open up more and you could see them peeping out from behind the lids.

Then mummy took me back upstairs and let me have a little wander round before popping me in my box where I snuggled back down for the night, and I fell asleep almost straight away!

I weighed 59 g today, which means I'm slowly gaining weight - A good sign because everyone was so scared I wouldn't survive the first night. But I am a fighter (and a wriggler)!

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