Wednesday 2 October 2013

Day Twenty Eight - Thirty Five 27/09/13 - 03/10/13

So, mummy said to me, seen as I'm well over the "danger" period in regards to my development and that I've now settled into a routine, that maybe it'd be best if we made my updates a weekly thing. Mummy said she was struggling to take "lots" of different pictures to help me keep each daily posts different, and I was running out of things to say about how each day was different. What can I say, I enjoy eating sleeping and chewing things and there are only so many ways a little hedgehog can words those before they become a bit boring!

But I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten you all! I'm still going to be making updates for you all. But probably just on Monday's or Tuesdays (with these posts being updated a little on Wednesday or Thursday if anything interesting happens). This gives me more time to do Hedgehog related things and gives mummy a bit of a break from helping me edit this whole blog (because her spelling might be bad but mine is atrocious)!

So since I last updated my weight has sky rocketed. I've gone from 157 g to 220 g! and I'm just getting bigger and bigger.

I can now eat a full pouch of kitten food to myself in a day. I'll have half in a morning and half in an evening before mummy and daddy leave for work.

I can now eat Hedgehog/Cat crunchies. It takes me a little while because although more of my teeth have come through, they're still very small and it takes me a while to crunch each biscuit.

I've learnt how to drink from a water bottle. I might not be the best at it, but I'm slowly learning how they work. When I get a bit bigger mummy is going to get me a special bottle that goes with my cage, bit at the moment I'm not tall enough to reach where it would come through.

I've had lots of visits from different people. Everyone seems to love me. I've met some more of mummy's friends and the nice lady comes to see me a lot as well.

Much to mummy's displeasure I've discovered I REALLY like to chew her hair, and try and bury myself in it. When they finally managed to untangle me, I've always left a nice soggy bit from sucking.

I also really like to chew the nice lady and her scarves. She smells different to my house and I always get a bit excited and have a good chew.

And finally, I got a visit from a very special person - The Doctor, who let me have an explore in the TARDIS.

Well that's all my achievements for the week.

[To be Continued].

Thursday 26 September 2013

Day Twenty Eight 26/09/13

When mummy got home from work at 8 am and came in to see me, I was flat out asleep in y litter tray (which I've really not got the hang off). I had my legs all sprawled out and I didn't even stir when she came over and opened the cage.

So I was a bit startled when she picked me up and I rolled into a tight ball. Mummy said it did make it easier for her to weigh me this way! And I now weighed 157 g! Mummy said I'm growing bigger by the day!

After she'd weighed me and I realized it was her and I un-balled she took me into the bathroom and gave me a nice warm bath, where I paddled about as mummy rinsed my quills and got me nice and clean.

After my bath mummy let me have a little wander round and an explore before she popped me back in my house with a nice big bowl full of kitten food that I headed straight for and began to wolf down.

On and off throughout the day (between sleeps) mummy and daddy popped in to check that I was ok and I had enough food.

Then at 9 pm they peaked their heads round and said goodbye before they left for work.

Day Twenty Seven 25/09/13

Mummy came in to see me about 9 am and decided today was the day to try me on my first full solid meal, so she filled my bowl with kitten food.

I took a few sniffs of it and had a bit of a go, but I wasn't too interested in the food. So mummy left me alone for a bit to see if I'd eat it when I got a bit more hungry.

Daddy came in to check me at at 12 pm, and I'd eaten a bit more, but there was still a lot left over. They guessed maybe I wasn't too keen on it.

However, at 9:30 pm just before they left for work, they came in to check me and my bowl was nearly empty. I'd made them really proud! I'd eaten my first full meal of solid food!

Once they knew I was ok and eating they left me to snuggle down back in bed while they left for work.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Day Twenty Six 24/09/13

When mummy came in to see me at 8 am she was convinced I'd suddenly got so much bigger! So she decided to weigh me, and I now weigh 136 g... It won't be long till I've tripled in weight from when she first got me!

After she weighed me, she let me have a little wander round on the floor and then she tried me with my first piece of dried hedgehog food. I actually tried to eat it - crunching at it for a good few minutes before I gave up.Though I did it about half of the piece of food, and mummy was really proud.

After she fed me, it was bath time while daddy came and cleaned out my cage. Mummy ran me a bath in the sink and put in some bubbles and a rubber duck, and gave me a good clean because I was starting to look very orange from all the baby food I've been eating.

After my bath she popped me back in my clean cage and told me I had some visitors coming over soon.

At 11 am, the nice couple came to see me, I had a quick hold from the nice lady and chewed her fingers a bit. They didn't stay long though, because mummy and daddy's friends came over to see me. I really liked them and I enjoyed exploring their hands and having cuddles and sleeping on them.

After a while I went back over to mummy and she let me climb onto her shoulder where I began to climb into her hair and started to chew and lick it. It smelt really nice! But I think I tickled mummy too much doing it!

I stayed out and about for about an hour or so before mummy and daddy took me back upstairs and put me back in my cage (because I kept snuggling up inside daddy's top and prickling him), gave me some dinner and let me sleep for the rest of the day, because I'd worn myself out.

At about 9 pm mummy came in and gave me some more food and then off she went to bed!

Day Twenty Five 23/09/13

When mummy and daddy got home from work at 7:30 am they came in and gave me a nice big pile of baby food and I came running over and climbed straight into my bowl and began to wolf it all down. Today I was having a grumpy day and whenever mummy and daddy tried to pick me up or stroke me I started to huff and puff, so they decided maybe today I should have a bit of time to myself.

They came in a few times throughout the day, to feed me, but I just wasn't into being sociable and spent the day sleeping tucked away in my house. But mummy and daddy weren't worried because I was still eating all my food.

I must just have woken up on the wrong side of the cage this morning. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Sunday 22 September 2013

Day Twenty Four 22/09/13

Mummy got home from work and came to see me at about 8 am. She weighed me, and I now weigh 116 g! She keeps telling me how big I am.

She let me have a run around on the floor while she put my feed in my cage for me, and then she popped me back in so I could have some breakfast.

I climbed straight into the bowl and began to nom away on my food, making lots of loud slurping noises. Until I was full and I gave up and began to wander round my house again.

After I'd finished, mummy topped up my bowl and then headed off to bed. She'd left me enough food to tide me over till she got up later on.

Mummy got up later and gave me some more food at about 9 pm and I climbed back into my food bowl again. I guess I've really not got the hang of this yet, but mummy thinks I'll be better at it when I'm bigger!

After she fed me, her and daddy left for work again.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Day Twenty Three 21/09/13

Today mummy and daddy couldn't sleep so they came in to see me at about 2 am and decided to change the bedding in my house and rearrange it a bit, as well as giving me some food.

They added in the food bowl that came with the cage, a litter tray, a little step for better access, a box house and a new blue water bottle that the nice lady bought me. It looks so much cozier now!

Also although the new food bowl is higher up and it takes more effort for me to eat from it, it stops me sticking my paws in the food as much/walking in it, so I don't leave foot prints everywhere now (well not as many).

Once they'd made up the new layout for my home, mummy and daddy's cat decided to keep guard over me!

I did startle him at one point though...

At about 10 am, daddy went upstairs to check on me. He was happy I'd eaten all my food, and he saw a couple of poops in the litter tray, which he was really happy about. That and the fact that I'd managed to work out my new cardboard box house!

A little while later mummy came upstairs to take some cute photos of me. So I got to explore her TARDIS mug. I was a bit huffy to start off with but soon calmed down.

At around 1:30 pm the doorbell went and it was the nice lady and mummy's grandparents coming to visit. They all came upstairs to see me and had a hold and a cuddle, and they all said how big I was getting!

After all my cuddles, mummy put some more food down for me, and I climbed straight into the bowl to eat it. So much for it stopping me getting dirty feet (and a dirty belly!). Everyone sat and watched me eat for  bit before the visitors headed off home, and mummy and daddy headed to bed to get sleep before they had work.

Just before mummy left for work at 9 pm, she came in and gave me another generous serving of food to chow down on while they were at work!

Day Twenty Two 20/09/13

Today was mummy and daddy's anniversary. They've been together for 5 years now! I was really happy for them, and glad I get to share in their life with them.

Mummy and Daddy spent the day together having a good time and celebrating, so I didn't get to see them much, apart from when they came in to feed me. I was a little sad and squeaked a few times that I didn't get to see them more, but I understood that it was there special day.

I also surprised them, with the help of the nice coupe who rescued me originally. They helped me to get them a card with a cute poem on the back, that they "adapted slightly". Mummy and daddy loved it!

We also got them a present - a Hedgehog doorstop!

Hopefully I'll get to spend more time with them tomorrow.

Day Twenty One 19/09/13 [Three Weeks]

Today was three weeks since mummy and daddy got me! And I'm doing really well.

They weighed me when they got home from work at 7:30 am and I now weigh 118 g. I'm well over the 100 g mark!

Mummy and daddy are now no longer hand feeding me, now I've mastered the bowl. So Throughout the day they come into the room I'm in and top up my food bowl in my house. I know mummy is a little sad about this because she enjoyed hand feeding me.

At about 6 pm, mummy and daddy had some visitors. It was the nice couple and they'd come over for a meal, and to come see my new house!

The nice lady picked me up as soon as she could, and within seconds of being in her hands, I sniffed out her bracelet and began to chew and lick it, soon followed by me self-anointing! The nice lady had never seen me do this and she thought I looked silly doing it.

I then moved onto her rings and did the same thing.

Mummy took me after that so the nice lady could clear the spit off her rings etc, and for some reason I was really in the mood to self-anoint, and I started to chew on mummy's fingers with my sharp little teeth before self-anointing.

Mummy settled me back down in my cage, with some fresh food and then left me be. However, right before the nice lady left she came to say goodbye. I was a bit mean and grumpy when she came up because she startled me and I hissed at her. I hope she can forgive me!

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Day Twenty 18/09/13

Mummy came and got me for my feed at 8 am. She mixed some kitten food with my baby food and mashed it into a lumpy paste, hoping to get me to eat more solid food and progress my weaning.

As she was making it, I tried to have a sneaky go at the kitten food, but she caught me!

I ate some of it, but then I decided to be fussy as I wasn't so sure on the lumps.

After a few attempts she realized I was more interested in exploring than eating, so she took me back up to bed.

At 2 pm, my new cage arrived! Mummy said the package was half the size (and more) of the front door, and there was miles of bubble wrap protecting it.  It took her and daddy 10 minutes to unwrap it all and then they went about setting it all up.

They lined the bottom with two puppy training pads, and then filled one end with two bags of bedding and at the other they put my new feeding bowl and my hedgehog friend.

When mummy popped me in the cage I had a little wander round and only balled up once!

Once I'd had an explore, mummy filled my bowl with the mixture from this morning, and I raced over and wolfed it down. Lumps didn't seem so bad now when I had an empty belly. At one point I wandered away from the bowl and had a good few squeaks before I found it again, and then I was fine.

Mummy did find a slight problem though! I just love to walk in my food and after I'd finished there was a nice trail of orange footprints all over the puppy pads.

Next I wandered over to my hedgehog friend and had a good lick/chew of her before self anointing.

At this point mummy topped my food up and then left me so she could get some sleep before her lest shift at work!