Saturday 31 August 2013

Krushem - The Begining!

Hello world!

My name is Krushem the Hedgehog and I was rescued on 30/08/2013 by a lovely couple who found me a forever home.

On Wednesday night (28/08/13) some people found me alone without my mum, I was tiny and my eyes weren't even open. They popped me under the closest bush, thinking that, that was where my mum might be. I didn't stay there long and they found me scared and alone again on Thursday (29/08/13). This time they took me to see a vet who said to leave me where they found me. But my mummy was long gone, and when they put me back I still found my way back out where I squeaked and quivered till I was rescued by the nice people. They brought me into their home and wrapped me up in a blanket because I was so cold! I stopped crying almost instantly once I was warm and safe.  They then rang their daughter and asked if she would look after me and be my new mummy. She said yes!

I moved int my forever home on the 30/08/2013. I weighed 55 g and I was smaller that the palm of your hand. My eyes were still closed, I had no teeth and I was very wobbly on my feet. My new family thought I was between 7 and 10 days old. I hadn't eaten in at least 2 days and people were worried I wouldn't make it through the night.

Lots of research was done to find me suitable food to eat and a way to keep me warm when my new family weren't around. I had my first feed around 6 pm and managed 5 ml. Then I had 2 more feeds at 7 pm and 9 pm where I managed 5 ml each time. 

I was pretty weak, so it was difficult for me to take food, so my new mummy made me a bib out of kitchen roll and tucked it under my chin to stop my belly getting cold from the milk I was dribbling. My mummy then toileted me after each feed to make sure I didn't get a poorly belly.

Between feeds, my new mummy was so worried about me that she kept me wrapped in a soft fleece blanket and tucked down the front of her top, so I could share her body heat, and be calmed by the sound of her heart beat. 

At 9:30 pm my new mummy had to leave for work. She made me a nice bed in a box full of bedding and blankets and covered it with a heated blanket to keep me warm. My first night in my new home!

An opportunity like this doesn't come along very often, getting to hand rear such an adorable baby hedgehog like me, so mummy decided to document my life with her. So welcome to the blog!