Wednesday 2 October 2013

Day Twenty Eight - Thirty Five 27/09/13 - 03/10/13

So, mummy said to me, seen as I'm well over the "danger" period in regards to my development and that I've now settled into a routine, that maybe it'd be best if we made my updates a weekly thing. Mummy said she was struggling to take "lots" of different pictures to help me keep each daily posts different, and I was running out of things to say about how each day was different. What can I say, I enjoy eating sleeping and chewing things and there are only so many ways a little hedgehog can words those before they become a bit boring!

But I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten you all! I'm still going to be making updates for you all. But probably just on Monday's or Tuesdays (with these posts being updated a little on Wednesday or Thursday if anything interesting happens). This gives me more time to do Hedgehog related things and gives mummy a bit of a break from helping me edit this whole blog (because her spelling might be bad but mine is atrocious)!

So since I last updated my weight has sky rocketed. I've gone from 157 g to 220 g! and I'm just getting bigger and bigger.

I can now eat a full pouch of kitten food to myself in a day. I'll have half in a morning and half in an evening before mummy and daddy leave for work.

I can now eat Hedgehog/Cat crunchies. It takes me a little while because although more of my teeth have come through, they're still very small and it takes me a while to crunch each biscuit.

I've learnt how to drink from a water bottle. I might not be the best at it, but I'm slowly learning how they work. When I get a bit bigger mummy is going to get me a special bottle that goes with my cage, bit at the moment I'm not tall enough to reach where it would come through.

I've had lots of visits from different people. Everyone seems to love me. I've met some more of mummy's friends and the nice lady comes to see me a lot as well.

Much to mummy's displeasure I've discovered I REALLY like to chew her hair, and try and bury myself in it. When they finally managed to untangle me, I've always left a nice soggy bit from sucking.

I also really like to chew the nice lady and her scarves. She smells different to my house and I always get a bit excited and have a good chew.

And finally, I got a visit from a very special person - The Doctor, who let me have an explore in the TARDIS.

Well that's all my achievements for the week.

[To be Continued].