Sunday 8 September 2013

Day Ten 08/09/13

When mummy and daddy got home, they let me out for a little bit so I could have a run around on the floor. They kept reassuring me that they were still there, so I didn't squeak once as I explored.

I was a bit cheeky and the first place I went and explored was straight up daddy's trouser leg.

Mummy and daddy's cats were fascinated watching me roam around on the floor, and a few times daddy had to stop them trying to play with me. However they soon backed off when they sniffed me and I poked their noses with my spines.

Mummy went and found a toilet roll tube and they let me play with it. I chewed it once or twice before I got the hang of running through it and enjoying my new toy.

After playing for a little while, mummy took me down for my feed at around 8 am. She made another mixture of kitten food and kitten milk. She tried again to get me to lap at the food from a container but no luck. She joked that I'd end up being bottle fed forever.

Settling me down she fed me the mixture from the bottle, and I took about 10 ml. With about 5 ml ending up all over me. Covered on food mummy had to wipe me down with baby wipes.

After my feed when I'd sleepily settled down, mummy checked my teeth to see my front two teeth had come through (just)! More reason to get me onto solids. After snapping a few pictures of my teeth she settled me down for bed.

At 11 am I had my second feed, This time, mummy had the idea to try and use a baby spoon to get me to lap my feed. This worked a bit better than the container. I did lap at the mixture a few times, but I was much more interested in chewing the spoon. But at least I was having a go and making progress. Between the feed on the spoon and what I took from the bottle, I managed about 10 ml.

Just after I'd finished eating, mummy noticed me scratching at the counter, and soon after I went to the toilet, so she guessed this was my "Toilet Dance".

After my feed mummy took me upstairs to get some photos of me with my name sake. Then it was back to bed, to sleep before my feeds with daddy.

Daddy fed me at 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm. My first two feed's I had about 7 ml each time of the feed mix, and then at 9 pm I managed about 15 ml of kitten milk.

Then it was time to settle down for the night while mummy and daddy went to work.

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